A stair rail or stair guard is a safety railing or barrier located along the open side(s) of a stairway. A guardrail is shown by the red arrows in our photo at left. DetailsĪre at GUARDRAILS on BALCONIES, DECKS, LANDINGS - this article. A guardrail is a safety railing or barrier located along a horizontal surface such as a balcony, deck, or porch. GUARDRAIL & HANDRAIL STRENGTH & TESTING REQUIREMENTSĭefinition of a guardrail compared to a stair rail & handrail - a quick guide to railing types. BUILDING CODES SPECIFICATIONS for GUARDRAILS. SPACE BETWEEN BALCONY HANDRAIL BOTTOM & FLOOR SURFACE. BALUSTER SPACING & OPENING REQUIREMENTS. DEFINITION of a GUARDRAIL vs a STAIR RAIL vs HANDRAIL.
GUARDRAILS on BALCONIES, DECKS, LANDINGS - home. Here we discuss: GUARDRAIL HEIGHT Requirements DEFINITION of a guardrail compared to a stair rail & handrail - a quick guide to railing types BALUSTER Spacing & Opening Requirements s for Guards & Railings SPACE BETWEEN Balcony Handrail Bottom Segment & Top Surface of Flooring BUILDING CODES Specifications for Guard Railing Requirements. Guardrail guide: stair landing, porch, deck & walkway guardrail specifications & codes: height, dimensions, spacing, construction, photos & sketches of guardrail defects & safety hazards.
Guardrail Specifications & Defects: requirements for guard railings at stair platforms, landing guard railings & other elevated walkways We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. Our page top photo shows a cable type guardrail that proved irresistable to children who found that it was tempting to climb, stretch and hang upon.
#California stair rail code code#
Guidelines for building guardrails on balconies, decks, landings, stair landings: this document provides building code specifications, sketches, photographs, and examples of defects used in inspecting indoor or outdoor guards or guard railings required at stairway landings, porches, decks, walkways, balconies. Guard railing height & other specifications and building codes: We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest.